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March 25th , 2022 March 8th , 2022 July 14th, 2021
December 24th, 2020 October 23rd, 2020 June 21st, 2020 March 8th, 2019 Playlist for the full album: https://www.youtube.com/playlist… June 15th, 2016 - "Forever One" by Ian Henderson (violin: Adrianne Simioni) April 16th, 2016
April 12th, 2016
March 16th, 2016 Listen to it HERE.
November 28th, 2015 October 11th, 2015 September 30th, 2015 September 30th, 2015 September 20th, 2015 September 12th, 2015 August 9th, 2015 June 7th, 2015 June 4th, 2015 May 8th, 2015 May 8th, 2015 April 25th, 2015 April 25th, 2015 March 22nd, 2015 March 20th, 21st and 22nd, 2015 - Friday Night Progressive radio show #187 podcast (in English) - Fasching Web Radio Specil ASTRONOMUSIC podcast (in English and French) - "Burn Again" live video from the CD release concert on March 22nd. March 6th, 2015 March 5th, 2015
November 15th , 2013 New musical collaboration featuring Zózimo Rech: Set Me Free At Midnight from the Album "Lunatica" by Sandro Tskitishvili (a.k.a. LaoZi) Click HERE to listen. If you wish to listen to the full album, click HERE. October 7th, 2013 The Ancient One (Cuillin FM - Scotland) The Prog Mill (Stafford Radio - England) September 23rd, 2013 From today, September 23rd, the Mexican radio "Cerca de la Orilla" is podcasting a special show with Astronomusic. March 25th, 2013 New collaboration featuring Astronomusic: SPACE JAM!!! Click HERE to listen.
November 18th, 2012 Astronomusic was invited to do a surprise opening act for the Augsburg City-Beatz progressive rock festival in Germany. Click HERE to see a photo gallery made by photographer Martin Vill with pictures from the event or HERE for photos made by photographer Chris Denner. November 11th, 2012 Click HERE to see a photo gallery made by photographer Martin Vill with pictures from the concert at Sparkassen Planetarium Augsburg. August 25th, 2012 New video at YouTube: UNIVERSAL SONG by Astronomusic & friends.
March 19th, 2012 Two very nice reviews of Zozimo's album "The Life of a Star" and Adrianne's "The Intelligible Sky" can be found on the following links: http://cdreviewsbyyou.com/review.php?reviewID=382&styleID=13 January 2nd, 2012 UNIVERSAL SONG reached #1 at SoundClick charts in the World Music genre among more than 75,000 songs!!! January 1st, 2012 New single by Astronomusic: UNIVERSAL SONG - Listen or free download HERE. The initial idea was the composition of a song that could celebrate the meeting of many nice people from many places from world. July 15th, 2010 20,000 "Galileoscope" kits (telescope w/ instructions dvd) were distributed by the Brazilian government to public schools. Brazilian president receives the first Galileoscope kit:
Obs: The Galileoscope is a low cost copy of the instrument used by Galileo 400 ago to discover the craters of the Moon, the phases of Venus, the satellites of Jupiter, and the rings of Saturn.
May 5th, 2010 Zozimo Rech won the "Carl Martin VIP Contest" from Denmark (electronic products for guitar) with the following video: http://www.carlmartin.com/news.htm
The prize: January 27th, 2010 Song “Infinity”: Collaboration with American musician Andrew Arrington January 21st, 2010 Song “Summer Star”: Collaboration with American musician Bob Forbes Song “Dragon in the Flowers”: Collaboration with American New Age composer Katherine Scorzo September 26th, 2009 Song: "Ekaterina's Theme": Collaboration with artist Jude Law, from Wales. September 4th, 2009 Song "Sky Ska": Collaboration with American musician Mike Bennett. Song "Strung Up" Collaboration with American musician Allan Vektor Dean. Song "Streets of Gold" Collaboration with American musician Jack Potter. January 20th, 2009 Opening of the International Year of Astronomy at UFRGS (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul) With the presence of the university's rector Prof. Dr. Carlos Alexandre Netto, the head of research Prof. Dr. Joao Edgar Schmidt and head of extension affairs Prof. Dr. Sandra de Deus, the official opening of the International Year of Astronomy (IYA 2009) at UFRGS took place at Planetario Jose Baptista Pereira on January 20th at 8:00 PM. Program: 1) Music at the Planetarium's Dome: "Music inspired by the science of the stars" was the name given to the musical spectacle at the dome, merging the Zeiss Spacemaster's projections and other space images with the sound of the guitars and keyboards of Adrianne Simioni and Zozimo Rech, combining synthesizer music with progressive rock. Attendance: 137 people (full dome). 2) Speach at the Planetarium's Dome: "Dark energy and dark matter - the Universe we don't know" with Prof. Dr. Thaisa Storchi Bergmann of the Astronomy Department of UFRGS's Physics Institute. Attendance: 137 people. 3) Skywatching through telescopes at the Planetarium's yard: With the collaboration of "Observatorio Educativo Itinerante" (Itinerant Educative Observatory) and of amateur astronomers, observatoin of Porto Alegre's night sky were made starting at sunset. Attendance: 149, 31 of them looking through telescopes for the first time. December 31st, 2008 Astronomusic at the newsstands "Editora Qualidade de Vida" (Life Quality Editions) releases an Astronomusic special collection inside issue #14 of the magazine+CD "Terapia Musical" (Musical Therapy). 15000 copies distributed at the main newsstands and bookstores in Brazil and Portugal. Titled "Universo de Sensações" (Universe of Sensations), the CD has a selection of 16 Astronomusic tracks in the New Age genre useful for relaxation, meditation and stress control. It is also a good choice for those who like to listen to music during astronomic observations or a Season's gift for a friend. Zozimo Rech & Adrianne Simioni would like to wish everyone a Happy 2009, International Year of Astronomy!
December 24th, 2008 Special Christmas collaboration between Astronomusic and composer and multi-instrumentalist Morten Gjermundsen from Norway: "Merry Christmas Feat" Adrianne Simioni: electric violin and lap steel guitar December 15th, 2008 New Astronomusic collaborations with international musicians: Song"Pampas Bit": collaboration with guitarist and producer Edson Frank of São Paulo (Brazil). Edson called the song "Pampas Bit", in homage to his collaborators of Astronomusic who live nearby the "Pampas". Listen to “Pampas Bit” HERE !
Song “Love!”: Collaboration with band Mike & The Girls. Composition of Mike Marshall. September 9th, 2008 Zozimo and Adrianne are being invited for musical collaborations with artists from various latitudes and longitudes of the planet. See below: Song “Healers Moon” (#4 in the Progressive Rock charts at SoundClick) Song “ Island in the Clouds” (#6 in New Age at SoundClick) September 8th, 2008 Track "The Collapsing Star" from album The Life Of A Star by Zozimo Rech reached #1 in the Progressive Rock charts at SoundClick today and #4 in Rock . July 8th, 2008 Track "Explorers" from album "Pictures of a Solar System" by Zozimo Rech reached #1 at SoundClick on July 3rd in the New Age subgenre (among 8.347 songs) and #4 in "World Music" (among 65.756 songs). You can check the New Age charts HERE. June 12th, 2008 Interview and performance at "Bibo Show" on ULBRA TV, special program for "lovers day" (Brazilian equivalent of Valentine's Day). At right, the quartet playing “Burn Again”.
June 4th, 2008 Track "CMZ" from album "Pictures of a Solar System" by Zozimo Rech reached #2 in Classical Contemporary charts at SoundClick today. Click HERE to check "Classical Contemporary" charts at SoundClick. May 26th, 2008A Track "Dancing With The Invisible" from album "The Life Of A Star" by Zozimo Rech reached #1 in Progressive Rock at SoundClick on May 24th. "Exotic Oceans" is still holding #2 in New Age. Astronomusic is now among the "20 Hottest Bands" at SoundClick (of 2.831.575 songs, and 370.798 bands). You can check the progressive rock charts HERE. Track "Exotic Oceans" from album "Pictures of a Solar System" by Zozimo Rech reached #1 in the New Age charts at SoundClick on April 22nd among 8.499 songs of this genre and #8 in World Music among 65.673 songs. You can check the New Age charts HERE.
March 20th, 2008 Track “Spacetronic Eyes” from CD “The Intelligible Sky” by Adrianne Simioni reached #1 in Progressive Rock at SoundClick, the biggest international mp3 store with more than 3 million members.
November 2nd, 2007 Today, track "Alien Eyes" by Adrianne Simioni reached #5 in subgenre Psychedelic Rock. November 1st, 2007 In the last week of October Astronomusic entered SoundClick's TOP 10 in the rock genre (among 142,363 songs) with track "Burn Again" from Zozimo Rech's CD "Pictures of a Solar System" and reached #2 position in the progressive rock genre. Since June fourteen Astronomusic tracks entered the TOP 100. SoundClick is a digital music store with many virtual radios: www.soundclick.com You can check the progressive rock charts HERE. Listen to "Burn Again" here!!! August 21st, 2007 Now you can buy individual tracks from the three Astronomusic CDs. Click HERE to listen and download them. July 30th, 2007 Now you can visit Astronomusic's profile at MySpace and listen to a selection of tracks from the project's three CDs: www.myspace.com/astronomusic . July 4th, 2007 Kinesis Progressive Rock CDs releases the Astronomusic project albums at its online store. http://www.kinesiscd.com/storeframe1.htm June 29th, 2007 Musea Records (France) releases the three CDs of Astronomusic project at its online store. http://www.musearecords.com/re_new_releaseselect.php?np=34791 http://www.musearecords.com/re_new_releaseselect.php?np=34792 http://www.musearecords.com/re_new_releaseselect.php?np=34793 June 28th, 2007 A video of Orquestra Profana performing the 3rd movement of "The Summer" (The Storm) from "The Four Seasons" by Antonio Vivaldi is available at You Tube. The guitars of Zozimo Rech and Adrianne Simioni play respectively the parts of the "violino principale" and 2nd violin from the original score. Click here to watch! June 26th, 2007 The Astronomusic project was cited this month at the "V Encontro de Planetários do Mercosul" in Buenos Aires, Argentina. “... Dentre as colaborações externas podemos destacar: o Laboratório de Microgravidade da Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio Grande do Sul (PUCRS), o Astronomusic (compositores e intérpretes de música que têm como tema inspirador a Astronomia e a Astrofísica), o V COMAR (5º Comando Aéreo Regional), etc...” *Excerpt from the text “Itinerários científico-culturais no Planetário da UFRGS” by Dr. Steffani from Departamento de Física – IF-UFRGS and Planetário/PROREXT – UFRGS. June 14th, 2007 We're glad to communicate that the Brazilian edition of Guitar Player magazine published in its June issue, page 48, an article about the technical aspects of our CDs recordings (in Portuguese, of course...). April 21st, 2007 Interview with Zózimo Rech on Radio Fatima FM, 87.9MHZ, at 19:30 March 2nd, 2007Don't miss the lunar eclipse tomorrow!!! February 21th, 2007 We're glad to communicate that the Astronomusic project was cited in the March issue of Astronomy Brasil (the Brazilian edition of Astronomy magazine), in an article written by Dr. Maria Helena Steffani (Nuclear Physics, UFRGS) on the social importance of planetariums. Pages 74 to 75. January 24th, 2007 We've been observing comet McNaught yesterday and the day before. Last week it was not possible because of the weather conditions. Don't miss this spectacle, it will still be visible for the naked eye for some time. January 16th, 2007 If you live in the Southern Hemisphere, don't miss comet McNaught, visible to the naked eye at sunset today and tomorrow!!! January 10th, 2007 We would like to thank all the people who were present on December 16th at Porto Alegre's planetariumfor the release of Astronomusic's three CDs. Also thank for all the encouraging fan mail. At the moment we're working on the construction of this site and planning future Astronomusic appearances. Since we're in Summer down here, we're also making use of the season to enjoy some tropical nature gifts after this prolonged undertaking. Zozimo & Adrianne.
Pictures of the CDs debut in the planetarium: